Sunday, July 29, 2007

Thursday 26th July

Lame pre-work session at Pagham, pretty windy, well powered 4.7, but flat to boring. Quite desperate for a decent wave session now.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tuesday 17th July

A few work things went in my favour and ended up sneaking a lunchtime sail at Pagham in 25ish knots with conference calls in the car either side. 21st century technology is great...

Surprisingly windy, rigged the new old 4.7 Session courtesy of the infamous Graeme Fuller of SurfSales. Very nice as you'd expect. Nothing much in the way of waves though and in one embarassing instance got caught in the river that now flows into the harbour mouth and had to clamber over the great pile of shingle sitting just off the beach. The shame of it :)

Some idiot coming a cropper gybing flat out for the camera:

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Friday 6th July

Maxed out on 5.0 and Guerrilla 78 at Littlehampton. It was probably 4.2 weather and there were plenty of bigger guys on smaller sails. Some lumpy waves to bash and there was a good half hour when the wind went cross-off and the riding was a lot more fun.

Finally met Weathercam (real name Gavin) who does the location reports I link to on this site and has a useful streaming cam set up looking out of his front window in Worthing.

The guy in the picture is Cliff, a graphic designer from Chichester.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Monday 2nd July

Another fun-sized wave session. This time with rod at Avon Beach. 5.4 on the Guerrilla 78. There was a good halfhour when there was plenty of wind in just the right direction for some fun down the line rides in the small waves.

Great for July.

I then locked the camera in the car before anyone got any pics of me chop-bothering :)

Sunday 1st July

Surprisingly windy and wavey (for July) day at Pagham. 4.2 wasnt quite enough and I could have held the 5.0 down but I was planing most of the time. Got a few OK waves but the tide was on the way out, and the current was messing things up. Still, as we were at a kid's party and it was a sneaky session, nothing to complain about.

EDIT: meanwhile, on the Isle of Wight at Niton: